Jane Six Pack

You know what? It’s time that normal Joe six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency.”  

— Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Republican Vice President nominee

For this I went eight years to college?

Let’s see. If a regular “Joe or Jane Six Pack” is qualified to hold the most powerful government leadership position in the world, then why do any of us need a college education?  If citizens want president or veep who has downed a pack of Pabst to have his/her finger on the nuclear button so be it, at least we’d blow up belching.

Perhaps the biggest bailout of the US economy would be that parents need no longer work hard and go into debt for their children to achieve a college education. Cancel all those boring lectures and substitute tutorials the Animal House-John Belushi way.

Joe and Jane Six Pack need representation. Politicos need to listen and understand the concerns of us average folks they represent. Candidate should even enjoy a brew with regular citizens now and then. Often times the real Joe and Jane Six Pack have simple yet wiser views of the world. But would I want my kid’s hockey coach to be commander-in-chief?

Our Founding Fathers were lander owners, farmers, tinkers, business operators, printers, lawyers and the like. Yet they were common men with uncommon minds. If not college educated, they educated themselves by actually reading “everything” — the classics, history, philosophy, literature, science, poetry as well as the local broadsheets. They shared brews in the local pubs, but I doubt that their conversations centered on the hooters of the barmaids.

We don’t need a Joe or Jane Six Pack to lead this country.  Instead, we need the common men or women, with the uncommon minds who realize the nation’s true greatness and recognize their own limitations.  Not some idiots who become so fermented on their own bromides that they drive our democracy off the edge of its ever teetering precipice.