Creative Urges

Buddhism and blogging should be dichotomous. Buddhism requires egolessness while blogs proliferate as perhaps the most ego-driven obsession around. To believe that anyone cares about the blogster’s witticisms, banter or jabberings — let alone have a stat counter (which we don’t) serves as the antithesis of Buddha’s teaching of “no self.”

Yet the creative urge strikes and a blog can serve as much as a parchment of mind as bound journal. Many a child’s locked diary contains a memoir just itching to mature someday. Consider this my journal. If any other soul happens upon it, I hope they enjoy it.

With this goal of creative outlet in mind, the Winking Buddha Blog becomes an archive of my writings about my spiritual path, my cyber-spiral journal notebook, if you will. The Creations page of this blog will include selections of poetry, articles, sketches, perhaps even a bit of artwork as the mood renders. Not just for my ego gratification, but in the sense of sharing with you. Your own creations, thoughts, comments and criticisms are welcome and encouraged.

My first entry ties into a Buddhist theme quite well. Say “Amen,” Gracie first appeared in Change Magazine and later in my diary on the Daily KOS blog. The article explains why I became a Buddhist.

So, click on the Creations page now and then to see if the creative urge struck.

© 2008