Happy Holidays and Other Profanities

Holiday jeers again usurp holiday cheers with the return of  Fox News blowhard Bill O’Reilly’s “anti-Christmas cultural war.” Pre-thanksgiving, while touting his new book in the liberal news media, O’Reilly rebranded himself as a “secularist” with deep abiding love for church-state separation. But with the tour over, this turkey and his fellow Christmas crusaders once again ring the jingle bell jihad. 

Joining the chorus, Utah State Senator Chris Butters introduced legislation to “encourage” retailers to use the “Merry Christmas” greetings exclusively. Butters says although he’s tired of the so-called Christmas war, “we are a Christian nation and ought to use the word.”  Ah, Mr. Butters, some people would disagree that Utah was indeed part of a “Christian” nation, but that’s another ecclesiological issue.

Every year, some zealot condemns any use of an inclusive “happy holiday” salutation as anti-Christian bias. A few years ago, I wrote an article Happy Holidays and Other Profanities so with the current spirit of the season, I reincarnated it in The Winking Buddha Blog. Enjoy

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